Monday, January 31, 2011

Distorted photo

My nephew on the left and the FUN time I had upper right......I really had a hard time but after several tries....I finally got it now I can play with it like a pro!...LOL


  1. It's amazing what technology can do.. I don't even recognize him in the first pic. I see you having fun with it.. I'm still having problems downloading the program :-(

    Good Job!

  2. Thanks Natalie! FB me your number and I can try to help!

  3. What great pictures...both before and after. I love the colors that the wave makes. Great job!

  4. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one to warp a neice/nephew!!! Looks cool doesn't it?

  5. Try some where you first use the cutout filter filter>artistic>cutout... then... very important...copy the layer and blend it with the one below using layer blend modes... flatten it and copy it, rotate, then use a blend mode again. Work for light toward the center.
