Wednesday, March 2, 2011

MOCA Week 6

Karin Kuhlmann is a German artist who has studied photography and graphic design. She uses Photoshop KPT5's Frax Frame Filter to create an array of "Fractal" art such as the pictures displayed. She tends to gravitate towards creating more abstract art although she does use a variety of "inspiring and associative shapes" in her work. This art reminded me much of the art that we've been learning about in our class.


  1. KPT stands for Kai's power tools and has been around since the very beginning of digital art, even before Photoshop existed....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These are nice pics Kristy..especially the first one..I love crazy art like this.........Nice find from MOCA

  4. I like the crazy colors and patterns displayed in both images. You did a great job. How did you do this?

  5. Thanks you!

    Peaches, I found this on MOCA...I only wish I could take credit for the creativity.
